Saturday 19 January 2008

I laughed, I cried, I had a good day?

Anas bin Malik (رضي الله عنه) reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) delivered a Khutbah (sermon) to us the like of which I have never heard from him before. He (ﷺ) said, "If you knew what I know, you would laugh little and weep much." Thereupon those present covered their faces and began sobbing.

(Hadith found in Bukhari and Muslim)

Really, how can I sit in fun and enjoyment
for the sake of fun and enjoyment,
when the time is so short, the duties so many,
the two abodes await
and my direction is for me to choose today.

Saturday 12 January 2008

Love for the sake of Allah

(Article written for the March 2008 issue [no. 18] of The Noor magazine)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Who says in the Qur’an, “And keep yourself (O Muhammad (SAW)) patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His Face; and let not your eyes overlook them, desiring the pomp and glitter of the life of the world; and obey not him whose heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, and who follows his own lusts, and whose affair (i.e. deeds) has been lost.” (Al-Qur'an, 18:28)

I want to use this opportunity in writing this article to discuss a topic that is very important for us all but for the youth among us in particular, which includes me.

At a time when we are searching for who it is we want to be, deciding the circles of companionship that are best for that person we want to be, and ultimately shaping our hearts for the foreseeable future, we face a choice that is pretty much twofold: on the one hand, there is companionship and love for the sake of desires, and on the other hand, there is companionship and love for the sake of Allah. It is the latter, love for the sake of Allah, which I wish to focus on here.

I intend to cover this topic in two parts: In the first part, by selecting just three sayings of the Prophet (SAW), I hope to establish the reasons and importance of loving one another for the sake of Allah. In the second part, I hope to provide a brief advice on how we can develop this love between us and make it grow.

Why should we love one another for the sake of Allah?

The first Hadith: Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: A man set out to visit a brother of his (in Faith) in another town and Allah sent an angel on his way. When the man met the angel, the angel asked him, “Where do you intend to go?”
He said, “I intend to visit my brother in this town.”
The angel asked, “Have you done any favour to him?”
The man said, “No, I have no desire except to visit him because I love him for the sake of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious.”
Thereupon the angel said, “I am a messenger to you from Allah (to inform you) that Allah loves you as you love your brother (for Allah’s sake).” (Muslim)

This Hadith makes clear the great merit of visiting one another for Allah’s sake. Subhaana-Allah! This is amazing and requires some attentive thought; simply by visiting one another and strengthening the ties of brotherhood for Allah’s sake, we will be rewarded. Not only rewarded but, because of our loving one another for Allah’s sake, Allah the Most Glorified and Exalted will love us in a manner that suits His Majesty.

Another lesson to take from this Hadith is that the bond of brotherhood in Islam is more preferred and stronger than any other bond. Therefore, we must see and put the bond of brotherhood for the sake of Allah before any other bond, whether it is the bond of kinship, the bond of nationality or the bond of any worldly interest.

The second Hadith: Ibn Mas’ud (RA) reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and asked, “O Messenger of Allah! What do you think of a man who loves some people but does not go any nearer to them in position (i.e. either he cannot attain their lofty position of righteousness or that he has not met with them in this life)?”
He (SAW) replied, “A man will be with those whom he loves.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

This Hadith demonstrates the high merit of loving those who fear Allah and follow His commandments. Subhaana-Allah, such are the Mercy and Blessings of Allah that as a result of simply loving people of piety, Allah will elevate our status and include us among those whom we love.

Conversely, this Hadith serves as a severe warning for those who fondly associate with and love a people who disobey the commandments of Allah. Indeed, such an association and love is extremely dangerous, since this can become a reason for us to meet the same bad end that is inevitable for those who disobey the commandments of Allah.

The third Hadith: Abu Hurairah (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: On the Day of Resurrection, Allah, the Exalted, will say, “Where are those who had mutual love for the sake of My Glory? Today I shall shelter them in My Shade when there is no shade except Mine.” (Muslim)

This Hadith mentions a very special type of people: those who have mutual love for the sake of Allah. For these people Allah, the Almighty, will provide a special protection, which will be to shelter them in the Shade of His Throne on the Day when there will be no shade other than His Shade.

How can we make this love between us grow?

From the previous section, insha-Allah, we now understand the importance of loving one another for the sake of Allah and not loving a people for short-lived, temporary worldly interests. The question now is: how do we develop this love between us and make it grow?

It is as the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: “When a man loves his brother (for Allah’s sake) let him tell him that he loves him.” (At-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)

This Hadith advises us to disclose our affection to those whom we love for the sake of Allah. The wisdom behind informing someone that we love them for the sake of Allah is to make them aware of our affection towards them, so that this will turn into mutual affection and will promote mutual co-operation and interaction in a manner that pleases Allah.

Lastly, I end with an incident and advice of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW):
A man was with the Prophet (SAW) when another man passed by and the former said, “O Messenger of Allah! I love this man (for Allah’s sake).”
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) asked, “Have you informed him?”
He said, “No.”
The Messenger of Allah (SAW) then said, “Tell him (that you love him).”
So he went up to the man and said to him, “I love you for the sake of Allah.”
The other man replied, “May Allah, for Whose sake you love me, love you.” (Abu Dawud)

We ask Allah to join our hearts together so that we love one another for His sake, we ask Allah for the humility to deal with one another on terms of mercy and we ask Him for the strength to rise above any false macho pride within us.

Recommended Reading: Riyadh-us-Saliheen, a compilation of Ahadith by Imam An-Nawawi (may the Mercy of Allah be upon on him)

Friday 11 January 2008

The mark of them is on their faces

"Some said, 'The righteous good deed brings light to the heart, brightness to the face, ampleness in provisions, and love in people's hearts.' ... Therefore, since the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all, had sincere intentions and righteous good deeds, all those who looked at them liked their appearance and conduct."

(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, explanation of Verse 29 of Surah al-Fath)

Tuesday 1 January 2008

Fear and Hope

Umar bin al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him) said,
"If it is announced in the assembly [on the Day of Judgement] that only one person is to enter Paradise, I would hope that [that person] is me, and if it is announced that only one person will enter Hellfire, I would fear that that is me."

(Source: Imam Abu Hanifa's Al-Fiqh al-Akbar Explained)

Rightly so.
And why would I not be so fearful,
when my shortcomings are so numerous
and my submission so lacking?
And why would I not be so hopeful,
when I turn to my Lord in repentance
and He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful?