Saturday 6 December 2014

Qur'an: Those who do good

"... Those who spend in prosperity and adversity
and who control their anger and forgive people.
And Allah loves those who do good.

And those who,
when they commit a shameful act or wrong themselves,
remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins
- and who is there to forgive sins except Allah? -
and do not persist in what they have done, knowingly.

Their reward is forgiveness from their Lord
and gardens beneath which rivers flow
where they shall live forever.
And excellent is the reward of those who work.

(Al-Qur'an, Surah Aal Imran, Verses 134-136)

We see here in this sequence of verses that qualities relating to the rights of men are mentioned together with qualities relating to the rights of God. It's important to remember though that the rights of God are not meant to benefit God in any way! God does not suffer in any way if they are not fulfilled. The one who worships Him is the one who gains.

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